Monday, 25 March 2013

Plotting & Planning....

Found myself a great new book to teach myself some interesting crochet shapes......... one slight problem though. I now have too many ideas jumping around in my head competing for dominance.

Do I play around with leaves & flowers. 'Piece' together some hexagons / octagons / pentagons / circles in to a 'quilt'. Or create a wonderland of snowflakes?

What evil person put that book in my path to distract me from my current projects??

Ah well I will be strong & work on my belt-in-progress. ......In between bouts of experimenting ;)

Friday, 22 March 2013

And now for the FNSI...

You can never have enough belts right?....
Well that's my excuse for this project.
Working on it a bit at a time......really need those new glasses!! lol

& Now for my main project for the last couple of days......
It just needs the tails tucked & done!! :)

Here come the photos!!

It took a bit to figure out bit finally......

My 1st attempt at scales......
Not sure the fluffy wool quite does the pattern justice.

On the Go.....

Well I finally figured out that little problem thanks to help from some ladies @ the quilting group I go to.... started a belt..... & nearly finished another project not to be named until completed.... ;)
Also plotting what to do for the Adelaide Festival of Quilts challenge :)
Photos to come........

Monday, 11 March 2013


Sometimes teaching yourself crochet con be nice and easy, & go like a breeze......... but sometimes...........

It's a confusing, messy headache......
There's this one style of 'round' that just isn't making sense......maybe next project will be mum's cushion. :)

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

The things one does for famly! ;)

My work today.... more 'flowers' & practicing the 'mug cozy' pattern my sister found via the FNSI winner post & Pretty pleaded for me to make her one.....

Yup, I'm a pushover! lol

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Uh oh..

Who knew you could put your back out doing crochet? :) looks like I'm going to have to get myself a proper adjustable table to do my crafting on....

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Practice makes...... new ideas!

Well, as you can see, I still haven't managed a flat one..... but these have given me an idea for a flower garden theme quilt. Just a few more colours & sizes & I'll have something to work with. :)
Meanwhile I have ideas percolating in the back of my mind as to how to create the background to put them on.